Advanced Central Laboratory

With the most modern technology and latest innovation , we bring you the best in the class Blood testing facility.

You can do the following tests :

COVID19 Related Investigations

    1. CRP
    2. D-Dimer
    3. LDH
    4. RTPCR
    5. Serum Ferritin

  • Hemogram -CBC

    1. Hemoglobin
    2. Platelet Count
    3. Red Blood Cell Count (RBC)
    4. Packed Cell Volume
    5. Total Leucocyte Count (TLC)
    6. Red Cell Distribution Width
    7. Mean Corpuscular Volume
    8. Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin
    9. Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration
    10. Absolute Leucocyte Count
    11. Differential leucocyte Count


  • ESR

    1. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)


  • Fasting Lipid Profile (FLP)

    1. Cholesterol – HDL
    2. Cholesterol – LDL
    3. Triglycerides
    4. Very Low Density Lipoprotein
    5. Cholesterol – Total


  • Thyroid Profile Test (TFT)

    1. T3
    2. T4
    3. TSH


  • Diabetes Profile

    1. HbA1c
    2. Blood Glucose Fasting
    3. Blood Glucose Post Prandial


  • Urine Routine Examination

    1. Colour
    2. Specific Gravity
    3. pH
    4. Protein Urine
    5. Glucose Urine
    6. Bilirubin
    7. Urobilinogen
    8. Leucocytes Esterase
    9. Ketones
    10. Nitrite
    11. Crystals
    12. Pus Cell
    13. Epithelial Cell
    14. RBCs Urine
    15. Casts
    16. Others


  • Renal(Kidney) Function Test (RFT)

    1. BUN/Creatinine Ratio
    2. Creatinine
    3. Uric Acid
    4. Urea
    5. Blood Urea Nitrogen


  • Liver Function Test ( LFT )

    1. Aspartate Aminotransferase
    2. Alkaline Phosphatase
    3. Protein Total, Serum
    4. Gamma Glutamyl Transferase
    5. Alanine Transaminase
    6. Bilirubin (Total, Direct and Indirect)


  • Serum Electrolyte

    1. Sodium
    2. Potassium
    3. Chloride
    4. Bicarbonate
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